Wild areas banner


We're creating wild areas to increase
biodiversity and improve our environment

What is a wild area?

What is a wild area?

A wild area is a patch of land that we have identified as a place to allow to grow wild with local flora and fauna. This does not mean it won't be managed, as our grounds maintenance team will still attend regularly to maintain any paths and around the edges.

All of our wild areas will be clearly signposted.

Where we are growing wild areas

Use the map below to find out where we are growing wild areas in Bracknell.


Wildflower meadow

Our wildflower meadow

In addition to our wild areas, we have also planted a wildflower meadow in Great Hollands, Bracknell. In time this area will grow into a beautiful communal space that can be enjoyed by everyone.

Learn more about the wildflower meadow we have planted