Can I do a home swap?
You can exchange your home with another housing association tenant if you are:
- an assured tenant,
- a secure tenant,
- a council tenant.
If an exchange leads to under-occupation in one of the homes (meaning a property has more bedrooms than needed), then we may have to decline an exchange.
How to do a home swap
You can find other people to swap homes with using the Homeswapper website. We will pay for you to register with Homeswapper and we can also provide approval when you find a suitable move.
If you are a Silva customer
If you currently live in a Silva rented home and would like to apply for a mutual exchange, please click the button below and complete our application form.
If you are not a Silva customer
If you are not a Silva customer, but would like to apply for a mutual exchange with someone who is, please click the button below and complete our mutual exchange application form.