Silva Homes celebrates a full house for the electrical inspections project | News

Silva Homes celebrates a full house for the electrical inspections project

Following changes to regulations and our policy of completing an EICR every five years, rather than ten, we worked with Crystal Electronics to get up to date and complete a survey for all of our rented homes over the last three years.

As part of the EICRs, fully qualified electricians attended 6,525 homes to inspect their electrical installations. This included things like fuse boards, sockets, lights and other electrical items.

If the electricians found anything unsafe, they were often able to fix the issue immediately. If not, they would make the installation safe until it could be returned to at a later date.

These tests are crucial because unsafe electrics are a huge fire safety risk and make up around a quarter of all domestic house fires. As well as being a fire risk, exposure to electricity can be very dangerous - particularly as unsafe electrics can be difficult to spot!

We are very grateful to every customer who allowed us access to their home to complete the inspections. The completion of this project is a positive step towards ensuring that our homes are compliant and have safe electrical installations.

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