Complaints & compensation


Learn how to send us negative feedback,
and whether this feedback will enter our 
formal complaints process.

About our complaints process

We always aim to provide an excellent service, but we recognise that sometimes things go wrong.

We welcome your feedback as an opportunity to learn from our errors and to put in place the necessary improvements for the future. We will always aim to resolve matters as quickly as possible and encourage our colleagues to listen to your concerns and put matters right at the first point of contact, to avoid you having to enter a formal process.

If you have a concern or wish to share your negative feedback with our team, please fill in the form at the bottom of this page.

Fill in our complaints & negative feedback form

Read our full complaint and compensation policy [pdf] 141KB

Read our complaints procedure [pdf] 253KB

Frequently asked questions

How can I send negative feedback or a complaint to Silva Homes?

The best way to send us your negative feedback is by filling our online form using the button below.

Send us your negative feedback or complaint

You can also use any of these methods to send us a complaint:

  • Call us on 01344 382 800
  • Email
  • Send us a private message on Facebook or Twitter (it needs to be a private message to maintain confidentiality)
  • Send a letter to our office: Silva Homes, Western Peninsula, Western Road, Bracknell RG12 1RF.
  • Contact one of our colleagues directly.
  • Contact us via an advocate or representative on your behalf, with permission.
  • Contact your local MP or councillor

Will my negative feedback enter a formal complaints process?

We take all negative feedback seriously, so whatever your concerns are, we will take prompt action to put things right as soon as possible. We will use your feedback to improve our services and to prevent the same issue from happening again.


If your negative feedback meets one of these three requirements, it will enter our formal complaints process:

  1. If we cannot resolve the complaint on the same day.
  2. If it is a repeat issue of a previous service failure.
  3. If it relates to something particularly serious (judged by our resolutions team).


If your negative feedback does not meet any of the requirements listed above, then it will not enter our complaints process, but we will still respond and try to help you. Some types of negative feedback that won't enter our complaints process include:

  • An initial request for information or a service, such as a repair
  • Dissatisfaction with the timescale of a service delivery, if it is within our service standards.
  • A grievance over something that we have no control over.
  • A grievance arising from serving a notice to quit as part of a starter or fixed-term tenancy (this is dealt with by a specific appeals panel).
  • Anti-social behaviour complaints, as these are covered under the anti-social behaviour policy.
  • Subject access requests for information, as these are covered under our data protection policy.
  • A grievance arising from any court action served by us, because of a breach of tenancy.
  • Cases where a legal claim is made against us, including disrepair cases and insurance claims.
  • Complaints that are over three months old, unless a good reason can be evidenced (e.g. the initial complaint was not recorded when it should have been).
  • Dissatisfaction that relates to a previous issue which has already been through our complaints process fully and a conclusion has been reached.

What happens if my feedback enters the formal complaints process?

When you send us a complaint that fits one of these three categories, we follow a formal process to make sure it is addressed quickly and fairly:

  1. If we cannot resolve the complaint on the same day.
  2. If it is a repeat issue of a previous service failure.
  3. If it relates to something particularly serious (judged by our resolutions team).

This process has two stages and we aim to resolve all complaints during stage one.


Stage one:

  1. We acknowledge your complaint within two working days of receiving it.
  2. We aim to resolve your complaint within 10 working days.
  3. If your complaint is resolved and you have been informed and understand the next steps, then the process ends here.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint or the way it was handled, you have the option to escalate your complaint to stage two.


Stage two:

  1. You must tell us in writing why you don’t think the complaint was resolved properly. We need to receive this within a reasonable timeframe (around one month) of our stage one response.
  2. We will review your explanation and send you a response within 20 working days to let you know whether we will try to resolve your complaint again.
  3. If your complaint is resolved and you have been informed and understand the next steps, then the process ends here.

Can I contact the Housing Ombudsman for support with my complaint?

You can contact the Housing Ombudsman for advice and support at any stage of our complaint process. The Housing Ombudsman Service is an independent body that ensures landlords follow best practices when it comes to complaints.

Visit the Housing Ombudsman's website

You can call the Housing Ombudsman on 0300 111 3000.

Why does Silva Homes have a formal complaints process?

Our complaints process follows a set of rules laid out by the Housing Ombudsman and the Regulator of Social Housing. This process helps us to deal with any complaints we receive in a quick, fair and polite way. We want our process to be clear, simple and accessible for you, so that you have the best possible experience. We also want to learn from the complaints we do get, so that we can improve our services and prevent future complaints.

How can I claim compensation?

Click here to find out whether you're eligible for compensation

You can claim compensation by clicking here

Housing Ombudsman code self-assessment

Our complaints process follows a set of rules laid out by the Housing Ombudsman and the Regulator of Social Housing.

This process helps us to deal with any complaints we receive in a quick, fair and polite way. We want our process to be clear, simple and accessible for you, so that you have the best possible experience. We also want to learn from the complaints we do get, so that we can improve our services and prevent future complaints.

You can read our latest self-assessment to check how well we comply with the Housing Ombudsman's housing code. You can see the results below.

Read our Self-Assessment 2024 [pdf] 254KB